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University of Edinburgh - School of Informatics

Informatics at Edinburgh University is the largest Informatics research centre in the UK. It is a leading European centre for Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Theoretical Computer Science. There are over 500 researchers working in the School, making it the largest such research site in Europe.

The Mathematical Reasoning Group (MRG) within Informatics has been at the forefront of world research into the automation of mathematical reasoning for the last 30 years.  Its work is characterised by its unique blend of computational theory with artificial intelligence. The processes studied by the MRG have included theorem proving via proof methods, proof patching, analogy, symmetry, abstraction, diagrams and reflection; the learning of new proof methods, the formalisation of informally stated problems, the formation of concepts and conjectures and the interaction of automated systems with human users. The applications of the MRG's work have been to many areas, including: proof by mathematical induction and co-induction; analysis, including non-standard analysis; the synthesis, verification, transformation and editing of both hardware and software; and cognitive modelling.

Of special relevance to Coinvent, recent work in collaboration with Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, and Imperial College, London has considered relationships between theories, and the evolution of theories. Research here looks at both the modelling of the process of change, and cognitive theories of mathematical and invention.